Christmas Mass 2009 - NOTES

0:00 - Need a bigger entrance. Feel like I've see the whole "walking in a line from the back while singing" thing a million times.

1:32 - Cantor is a little pitchy. Please adjust in the mix.

2:42 - Priest skews older. This isn't CBS. Maybe Taylor Lautner instead?

11:14 - I'm not even sure what's been happening for the past few minutes here. A lot of redundant sitting and standing. Can we cut it down to one kneel and one stand?

19:31 - At the "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again" can we specify WHEN Christ will come again with some tune-in info? Good promo opportunity.

25:33 - This homily can be cut waaaaay down. What is he even talking about here? Jesus died for our sins? That's Easter. Need to keep this focused on Christmas -- get in and get out.

41:55 - "Let Us Proclaim The Mystery of Faith" - Can we make sure he says this, not sings it? Too expensive to license.

44:01 - Blood of Christ? Think people will be creeped out by this. Can't we just call it a nice pinot?

57:32 - Get out here. Think Communion is the strongest ending. No need to drag it on with the last scene about "going in peace", etc. Maybe as a credit bed instead?

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