You're gonna make a lot of money once this thing gets distribution


Hey bro, first of all, thanks for reading the script. I think you had some really valid points about it, but for now, we're trying to keep the momentum going forward, so we'll probably just shoot what we have and then sort it out in the editing room.

So aside from your concerns, can I put you down as a yes to work on the project? A lot of people really believe in this thing, and a lot of them are taking huge pay cuts or even working for free. That's how much they believe in this thing!

Wait a second, I didn't even tell you... we're really close to getting Frankie Muniz to play the head of the gang. Not the guy who does the drive by at the beginning, but the guy who shanks the dude in the prison fight at the end of act 2. Man, would that be a big get. And he's perfect for the part.

So let's just assume Frankie's onboard, which means this thing is gonna get a distribution deal, like, yesterday.

Pretty much all the key players in this thing are working for a piece of the back end, and of course we could set the same thing up for you. Let's say it sells for $25 million to The Weinstien Company, and you've got a .5% stake, that's still $125,000. Not bad for a few weeks work, huh?

Man, you're gonna make a lot of money once this thing gets distribution. Anyway, we can get into all the numbers and stuff later. When can you start?

Oh, and you have your own equipment right?

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